Dagmar (Patrick)

All the sections currently cover one storm, Dagmar (Patrick). Use the form below to switch to the standard sections for another storm.


The sections below show: 1) details and statistics; 2) gust speed animation showing the track and instantaneous 3-second gusts at 3 hour intervals over a 72 hour period; 3) storm tracks showing the maximum in relative vorticity and minimum in MSLP, while labels on the maximum relative vorticity path indicate the start of that day; 4) raw footprint is described in Storm footprints; 5) uncontaminated raw footprint only includes gusts local to the storm (as described on Storm footprints); 6) observational footprint from MIDAS database; 7) recalibrated lower 95% bound is described in Recalibration of final storm footprints; 8) recalibrated mean is described in Recalibration of final storm footprints; 9) recalibrated upper 95% bound is described in Recalibration of final storm footprints; 10) raw models gusts versus observed gusts is described in Comparison of model footprints to station data; 11) recalibrated models gusts versus observed gusts showing the 95% bounds as error bars. Where data is available, links are provided under figure.

Aliases: Tapani
Damage: 0.04bn
Countries affected: Finland and Norway
Storm duration: 21:00 22 December - 3:00 28 December 2011
Maximum 925 hPa wind speed over land from ERA Interim re-analysis (Umax): 30.08ms-1
Date Umax: 26 December 2011
Sft (rank of storm): 1.77e06 (309)
N: 65
Maximum relative vorticity at 850hPa from ERA-Iterim reanalysis (ζmax): 8.58e-05s-1
Date of ζmax: 12:00 25 December 2011
Location of ζmax: (9.1W, 61.7N)
Minimum mean sea level pressure from ERA-Interim reanalysis: 953.9hPa
Date of min MSLP: 9:00 25 December 2011
Location of min MSLP: (17.4W, 61.2N)
Related links: Wikipedia
Image of Gust speed animation for Dagmar (Patrick)

 Maximum Vorticity

 Minimum MSLP
Image of Observational footprint for Dagmar (Patrick)
Image of Raw models gusts versus observed gusts for Dagmar (Patrick)
Image of Recalibrated models gusts versus observed gusts for Dagmar (Patrick)

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